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I want you all to know a little bit about my family. They are the ones who influenced, loved and nurtured me into who I am today. They are p...

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Welcome to my blog!

Here are a few things I wanted to share with everyone about myself. The first thing I wanted to share is my first passport photo. This photo holds a lot of meaning for me. I was born in East Africa. My father was part of an Army unit and worked in the small hospital. He helped deliver me. I've always kept a special interest in my birthplace. I wasn't old enough when I left to remember anything about it. I asked my parents questions. They would tell me stories. I did my own research. When I was younger, I would just tell people I was born in Africa. At that time, that was enough. I would get comments such as "Wow" or "Cool". As I got older, I would tell them I was born in Ethiopia because then I would get the assumption that I was from South Africa. I was old enough by then that I knew I didn't want to be associated with the ruling people during Apartheid. My birth certificate reads Asmara, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Africa. Eritrea is its own country now. Their people are quite oppressed. I wouldn't be welcomed there. Now I'm back to saying East Africa. It's easier. If you have any questions; I have a few stories.

My favorite childhood book is "I'm Terrific" by Marjorie Weinman Sharmat. The book is about Jason Everett Bear. He's a self-absorbed bear who gives himself a gold star for everything he does and tries to be something he is not.  He learns about sharing and just being himself.
                                               Image result for im terrific
I read this book as a child and I still love it today. I holds the same relevance as it did then. Young children everywhere should have this book read to them.

This photo was taken in 2014. This is one of my students I've had since Preschool. She is 3 in this picture. When I first met her, she was literally put at my feet sobbing because she just woke up from a nap. This girl did not like being woke up from nap. It took A LOT to get her to come around after what she felt was a "rude" awakening. We tried everything. I did figure out she was a sensory driven child. I also talked with the parents and we developed a plan that would help all of us. Long story short, we bonded. This sobbing, blubbering child became sweet but independent child. Look at that shape person! That's her ballerina. HER BALLERINA. If you think for 5 seconds I had anything to do with that, you're crazy. Think typical 3 year old "I can do it myself" and she did. Also think 3 year old being told to hold the picture in front of you so I can take a picture of you with your masterpiece (Duh, Mrs. Trish, that's what you asked). It's 2017. She's in the first grade. I'm in there also. Love her. I wouldn't trade watching her grow for anything. I'm blessed. She's just one story, one child. I have so many more that make my day.


  1. Trish,

    I have enjoyed reading your blog and getting to know you. This course went by so quickly, but we have learned so much about the early childhood field, and about each other. Thank you for being supportive throughout this journey and being wiling to share your thoughts and passions. Best of luck to you!


    1. Thank you Tara! I agree, this course has gone by quickly and we have learned so much.
