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Friday, September 29, 2017

Inspirational and Motivational Quotes


These quotes are just a part of what helps me stay motivated, inspired, passionate and focused. I will be adding more quotes as I find the ones that really resonate with me. I hope you can find some inspiration in some of these. 

“You can't be what you can't see.” 
Marian Wright Edelman

“Failure is just another way to learn how to do something right.” 
Marian Wright Edelman

“Don’t feel entitled to anything you don’t sweat and struggle for” 
Marian Wright Edelman

“Our greatest hope is that it’s not just the responsibility of parents and individuals with intellectual disabilities to be advocates and ambassadors but the classmates, the co-workers, the neighbors, the members of religious communities”.

Ann Turnbull Ed. D.

In seeking to identify an appropriate topic for my presidential address, I concluded that I would focus on what I think is my rather unique contribution to the developmental disabilities field: a morphed perspective, namely, wearing two hats—professional and family. As I have reflected on the process of wearing two hats, I realize that I have ended up with a single hat, one—a morphed one—that combines my professional and family perspectives in ways that create a new framework for my thinking, research, and teaching.

"It's not all about you. You have to take you out of the equation and do what is best for the child." - Renatta M. Cooper
 Laureate Education, Inc. (2010). The passion for early childhood. Baltimore: Author.

"I'm not here to save the world, I'm here to make a difference in my community, one child at a time." - Raymond Hernandez MS Ed
 Laureate Education, Inc. (2010). The passion for early childhood. Baltimore: Author.

“If I had my time over I would do the same again. So would any man who dares call himself a man.” – Nelson Mandela
Retrieved from Notes to the Future: Words of Wisdom by Nelson Mandela


  1. I really like all of the quotes you selected. In particular, I really like the first one about how "you can't be what you can't see." If you want something done, or a change in the world, you have to model that for others. This also reminds me of the quote "Actions speak louder than words." We can say the change we want to see, but we also must do something about it if we really want something to happen.

  2. You are so right! We should all be a part of the change! None of us should just sit idly by and watch the world pass us by. Especially right now. For too long, many of us just say silently and did nothing. I think that is why we are seeing so many stand up and say "Enough!"
    Thank you Tara!

  3. Trish,

    We are almost done with our first course. It has definitely been an adventure. I enjoyed reading your discussions and blogs.I want to thank you for giving me feedback and commenting on my work. I didn't realize we had so much in common, thanks for pointing that out and please stay in touch!

    I wish you nothing but the best in your career.
