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Saturday, March 10, 2018

Expanding Horizons and Expanding Resources

Expanding Horizons and Expanding Resources

 Expanding Horizons: Global Fund for Children

Upon exploring this website, I learned that the Global Fund for Children looks for programs that work with children around the world, fund their partnering programs, provide support to these programs, and build a network between all of the programs that they support. Through their partnering programs, they empower some of the world’s most at risk children by advocating for their rights. “Our partners become national leaders in children’s rights, and influence government policy to defend and protect hundreds of thousands of children worldwide.” They have a 91% success rate and have many awards. I like the work they are doing by funding these grass-roots programs in order to help them be successful in empowering children and aiding them in positive social change. You can also read about all the success stories, subscribe to their updates, and donate to their cause.

Expanding Resources: Children’s Defense Fund

It was hard to choose which organization I wanted to immerse myself in and to learn about how they impact the early childhood community. I decided on the Children’s Defense Fund mainly because I love the work Marian Wright Edelman has done for early childhood. I want to learn more about her influences and how they impact children and communities. The Children’s Defense Fund is a strong advocacy group for all children and I find myself inspired by their work.  Advocacy is an important part of what we do as educators. All kids need us to be their voice.



Global Fund for Children:  https://globalfundforchildren.org/

Children’s Defense Fund:  http://www.childrensdefense.org/about/



  1. Trish,

    I learned a great deal from your post. I missed that amazing statistic of a 91% success rate for the Global Fund for Children. And I think it is great that an EC professional inspired your choice of website to be immersed in. I am sure you will enjoy your exploration even more with your personal interest in the influences Marian Edelman has had. Thanks for sharing!


    1. Crystal,
      Thank you! I have to admit, I am pretty excited. Edelman is an inspiration.

  2. Trish,
    I enjoyed reading your post. I originally wanted to explore the Children's Defense Fund website, but it didn't catch my eye. I am glad that you mention it being an advocacy group for ALL children. I think of myself as an advocate for my students and I am going to research the site for more information.


    1. Danielle,
      Advocacy is an important part of our work and is something I did not consider as part of our work until I started my coursework at Walden. We are a voice for our students.
      Thank you,

  3. Trish,

    You summarized both organizations very nicely! I too was interested about the Global Fund for Children and how they support and network the programs they work with. I have not heard of the Children's Defense Fund, but it sounds essential to children based on its foundation in advocacy. I am eager to learn about the ways they support communities, through your upcoming posts.


    1. Thank you Tara! I was hoping we would be in a group again. Happy to hear from you. I agree, I also like how the global fund works to look for groups and then supports them in their efforts. I am excited about learning more about the Children's Defense Fund also. I feel I do not know nearly enough about them.
