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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Getting to Know International Organizations: Part 1

United Nations Development Programme

The organization I chose to research is the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). They are the “United Nations Development arm” (UNDP, 2018). I found on their website under sustainable development goals that their #1 Goal is to end poverty by 2030 (UNDP, 2018). They’re work is presented on an international political level by providing their research and reports to the UN. In the UNDP Support to the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, they outline all of their sustainable development goals (SDG’s). I downloaded SDG #1-No Poverty to see what they are planning and implementing to achieve this goal. In this document they explain the poverty is multidirectional meaning “it is more than a lack of income” (UNDP, 2016).  They provide support to countries by offering “assistance to the formation of development planning strategies, strengthen institutional capacity, policy advice and tools to end poverty, advocate for enhanced, risk-informed, public investment and economic governance, prepare for and strengthen resilience to the impacts of climate change, and work to develop financial solutions” (UNDP, 2016). They also provided success stories of their work in action. For example, “In Cambodia, to address the problem of escalating biodiversity loss and the high incidence of rural poverty, the UNDP-GEF supported the government to integrate biodiversity conservation objectives into development plans” UNDP, 2016).

You can find SDG #1- No Poverty by following this link and clicking SDG 1- No Poverty in the Resource box on the right hand column: 

Under the stories section on their website, Poverty isn’t Permanent. International Day of the Eradication of Poverty, states that there has been a reduction in extreme poverty from 28% to 11% from 1999 to 2013 (UNDP, 2016). There is even a short video of people in New York giving their definitions of poverty and whether or not poverty has increased or decreased. It was interesting to hear what the average person had to say on the subject. It was also interesting to see that poverty on a global scale has decreased. 

I like that they work on a global scale and that they include all the dimensions that attribute to poverty such as natural disasters and climate change. Their work is very interesting and uplifting. I hope to see their goal achieved by 2030.


 United Nations Development Programme.
(2018).  http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals/goal-1-no-poverty/targets/

United Nations Development Programme. (2016). Poverty isn't Permanent. International Day of the Eradication of Poverty. Retrieved from: http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourwork/ourstories/poverty-isn_t-permanent.html

United Nations Development Programme.(2016). UNDP Support to the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. SDG Goal 1- No Poverty. Retrieved from:  http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/librarypage/sustainable-development-goals/undp-support-to-the-implementation-of-the-2030-agenda/


  1. Trish,
    The United Nations Development Programme seems like a forward thinking organization. I found it particularly interesting that they put a date and time in which they wanted to end poverty. In my research I realized that I could increase my commitment to ending global poverty. I intend to look into this organization in order to find ways that I can aid in them reaching their goals. For their success means an end to global poverty. That is the ultimate reward. Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful organization

  2. Trish,

    It sounds like you were exposed to a rich variation of information on poverty and it's global impacts. I was surprised to hear that poverty has decreased worldwide, hope that means we are on the right track to combating this major issue. You commented that the responses from individuals from New York, out of curiosity, what exactly did they have to say about poverty? Did they poll individuals living in large cities like New York City, or the entire state? I'm sure opinion would differ based on demographics and exposure to poverty daily. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Trish,

    The UNDP is right to state that poverty isn't just a lack of income, which supports what we've researched throughout this week. It's also rare that an organization would put a deadline on a large-scale goal such as poverty, but it would be incredible if it did become reality. It is something that our world has never been able to overcome, but clearly we are making huge strides. The fact that this organization alone is doing their part, in addition to the other organizations out there, is the reason that the extreme poverty rate has decreased. Thank you for sharing this organization with us!

