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Saturday, April 28, 2018

International Awareness

International Awareness
Issues and Trends

  1. Poverty is a global issue that presents itself in many different ways. In some areas, poverty means little or no access to health care or even the most basic needs such as clean water. Although internationally, especially in developing countries, these issues seem to have a more profound effect or are presented on a larger scale, I see some similarities within the United States. Not all people living in the United States seek medical care due to lack of insurance, cost, and other various reasons. Also, we have areas affected by unsafe drinking water and other types of issues with infrastructure (Detroit and Puerto Rico, for example).
  2. Reading about the many different diverse projects in an effort to solve the many issues in the international early childhood field is not much different from our own issues in the United States. Through researching the Global Children’s Initiative, I learned more about “persistent gaps in education and health”, how they are “associated with socioeconomic status”, and what other countries are doing in an effort to combat these gaps (Center on the Developing Child, n.d.). 
  3. Collaboration works even in the most remote areas of the world. I listened to a podcast with Barnabus Otaala. He talked about villages in Uganda and children with positive HIV results. Children with positive results were looked down upon in the villages. With a partnership between the villages, families of children with HIV, medical professionals, and educators, they were able to overcome their beliefs about the disease in an effort to treat children with HIV better.  

My main goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends that I wish to share with my colleagues is that early childhood development should be seen as a global effort to improve the lives of all. The issues and trends may look different on the surface due to causes, but they share similarities. I also learned that collaboration across sectors appears to have the best outcomes. We cannot continue to ignore the importance of early childhood development and its effects on education, health, and the economy.

Working Globally- Center on the Developing Child. (n.d.). Retreived from:https://developingchild.harvard.edu/about/what-we-do/global-work/

World Forum Foundation Radio (n.d.). Barnabus Otaala. Retrieved from: http://www.viaway.com/category/2691-21490/world-forum-radio


  1. Trish,

    I had the same feelings as we progressed through our research internationally. I realized that we are not alone in the issues we are facing in early childhood. The main issues we covered the past few weeks (poverty, equity and excellence) brought an awareness that they are not only national, but worldwide issues. However, the severity of the issues in some countries were eye opening compared to the United States. I think collaboration among agencies and communities is the key to success. I found myself more drawn to resources that had a goal of creating a village to support the child so to speak, like the Global Fund for Children. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insights this course!


  2. Trish,
    Prior to researching internationally, I didn't realize that there were many types of poverty. It made me realize that the poverty that I've witnessed in my state is nothing compared to other countries. I have friends that are from African countries and they visit and come back very appreciative. They often discuss the lack of water supply, and how sick some of the children look. I often wonder what can I really do to help the US as well as other countries. I have to agree that collaboration is key. My goal was to collaborate with my colleagues to see how we can assist at an international level as well.
    Thanks and good luck.

  3. Trish,
    You have been such an inspiring writer. For me, education has been all about the education and not the degree. You have definitely aided in my education. I appreciate how you have explained international poverty. I have learned so much about the global issue of poverty. It seems such a daunting task to overcome and ensure that all children and families have a quality of life that escapes them. I am overjoyed to find so many organizations and other ECE professionals who have dedicated themselves to eradicating poverty for children across the globe. Now I definitely do not feel so alone.
