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Friday, April 12, 2019

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally EDUC 6990 Week 6

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

The first organization I decided to explore was The Academy for Educational Development. The link provided did not work so when I searched for it online, I found it had merged with FHI 360. “FHI 360 works in the United States and throughout the world to create education systems that respond to the needs of the people they serve” (FHI, 360, 2019).The Global Education Department within FHI 360 has over 40 active or recent projects across the globe (FHI 360, 2019). When I conducted a job search I found an Education in Emergencies intern position under the Global Education Department. The position is only for 12 weeks from June-August (FHI 360, 2019). “This internship will have a particular focus on assisting the FHI360 Education in Emergencies (EiE) team in the development of global curriculum and training materials to build on existing materials that are being used by FHI360 in the field” (FHI 360, 2019). The requirements for this job are a minimum of a BA in Education or a related field but would prefer some graduate level work. The applicant should have a working knowledge of several areas such as teacher well-being, Education in Emergencies standards, primary literacy and numeracy, social-emotional learning, and school safety. The position is in Washington, DC. I also decided to look at the people who work for FHI 360 by using their “experts” tab. I clicked on Beth Almeras, MS. She is the Director of Disability Studies and Services, Early Care and Education (FHI 360, 2019). “Her areas of expertise include, U.S. Education, early care and education, environmental education, disability and accessibility, children’s play, inclusive education, nature-based learning, and distance learning” (FHI 360, 2019). I think it would be interesting and enriching to work for and around people in this organization and help them with the positive social change they are striving to accomplish.

The second organization I decided to explore is UNESCO. “UNESCO is the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. It seeks to build peace through international cooperation in Education, the Sciences and Culture. UNESCO's programmes contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015” (UNESCO, 2019). One of their goals is “Education transforms lives and is at the heart of UNESCO’s mission to build peace, eradicate poverty and drive sustainable development” (UNESCO, 2019). The only education-related job I could find on their website is the Head of Learning and Development Unit and is located in Paris, France (UNESCO, 2019). The education requirement is an “Advanced University Degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in adult learning, pedagogy, organizational design, psychology, education, human resources management or related discipline” (UNESCO, 2019). Some of the duties include, “ lead and manage a team to design, deliver and maintain learning programs and ensure that programs are offered on a global scale meeting the needs of the Organization within the allocated budget,  maintain constructive and proactive relationships with managers and experts in UNESCO to facilitate learning needs analysis, appropriate design and to create a network of staff able to support program implementation throughout the Organization, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of staff development programs, oversee impact assessment projects, and recommend ways to enhance effectiveness and impact”, and other duties (UNESCO, 2019).  

The last organization I chose to explore is Save the Children. They focus on children at risk in the areas of no education, violence, and mortality (Save the Children, 2019). On their website, they state that 1 in 6 children all over the world is not in school (Save the Children, 2019). https://www.savethechildren.org/us/about-us/why-save-the-children
Some of their U.S. programs in education includes kindergarten readiness, early steps to school success, school-age programs, and summer learning (Save the Children, 2019).
Some of their global programs and advocacy in education includes early childhood development, global education research, girls education, literacy and numeracy boost, and school health and nutrition (Save the Children, 2019).
When I conducted a job search on their website, I found a position for a Diversity & Inclusion Officer.  Some of the essential duties include: 
• Improve organizational success in all staff functions through the lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion by recommending and assisting with the implementation of best practices, appropriate evaluation processes, and measuring organizational benchmarks as it relates to Diversity and Inclusion.
• Build relationships with and serve as a resource, mentor, and diversity and inclusion subject matter expect to Save the Children US staff
• Recognize and address implicit bias, develop practices, policies, trainings and related materials to create a culture that embraces equity, diversity, and inclusion at all levels, highlights the importance of maintaining a culturally sensitive work environment;
• Works with all divisions to create and implement Diversity and Inclusion action plans;
• Conducts an annual diversity, equity, and inclusion State of the Agency survey and report
·         Keeps current on equity, diversity, and inclusion programs and developments by maintaining contact with others in the field (e.g., professional association and educational groups, and professional development efforts) (Save the Children, 2019).
The requirements that resonated with me include at least 7 years of experience in the area of diversity and inclusion or a related field, a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent work experience, a highly collaborative style, action-oriented, and skill-driven.

Researching international organizations showed me all the different ways early childhood professionals are affecting positive social change all over the world. The careers I chose from each organization would be both interesting and rewarding. I am happy to have been able to explore what each organization does and how I could be a part of what they do to affect positive social change.

FHI 360. (2019). Experts.  Retrieved from: https://www.fhi360.org/experts/bethe-almeras-ms
Save the Children. (2019). About us. Retrieved from: https://www.savethechildren.org/us/about-us/why-save-the-children
Save the Children. (2019). What we do-global. Retrieved from: https://www.savethechildren.org/us/what-we-do/global-programs/education

Save the Children. (2019). What we do-US. Retrieved from: https://www.savethechildren.org/us/what-we-do/us-programs/us-education

UNESCO. (2019). What we do- education. Retrieved from: https://en.unesco.org/themes/education


  1. Trish,
    I too looked into the Head of Learning & Development Unit position at UNESCO and it was definitely something I would be interested in. I also saw the Diversity and Inclusion Officer position with Save the Children but the Education Manager position was more appealing to my interest. It is amazing the number of job opportunities available within the early childhood field- I have never really seen myself leaving the CYP but as of late, I have been looking and applying as I feel like I am too comfortable with CYP and need a new challenges and different experiences. Thank you for providing your research this week n international organization and possible job opportunities!

  2. Trish,

    I have never heard of FHI360, but it sounds like an interesting organization! Their mission to serve the needs of the people in the specific community is more effective than a general system being incorporated. It also sounds like the woman you would be working with has experience with nature based play which is the focus of your Capstone, and she could be a good resource! The job you found through Save the Children would be wonderful too because you have diversity and inclusion experience from our graduate classes and could apply that knowledge. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Trish,

    You chose some amazing organizations to research this week! I have not heard of FHI360 or Education 2030. Both sound like very great organizations that serve individuals in need in their communities. I think it is important that FHI360 is working with current resources as well as introducing new resources. I also researched Save the Children, and it appears to be a practical organization which chooses to focus on very basic, but important needs for young children. I also liked how this organization has U.S. programs as well as a focus for throughout the world. It seems there are many opportunities for a career with this organization. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Trish, thank you for sharing these resources with us. Education 2030 I find to be a fascinating organization. When we think about it the education we have and give to others is educating the world. If we as communities in this world have the ability to build peace and cooperation through education, what an amazing thing! I do believe that education does exactly this. We a humans tend to fear what we don't know. Education will help to subside those fears and give us power to cooperate and communicate with others.
