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I want you all to know a little bit about my family. They are the ones who influenced, loved and nurtured me into who I am today. They are p...

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Thank all of you in EDUC 6165 Comm & Collab

I wanted to take the time to say a huge thank you to all of you! Many of us have been in all of the same courses throughout our Walden journey. Some of us have had a couple courses together or this was our first course together. Regardless of when or how often we have worked together, your input and support has been invaluable. All of you have helped me look at issues in ways I did not consider or you helped me expand on my current thinking.  I truly appreciate each and every one of you!
Feel free to stop by my blog anytime to say hi, ask a question, or to work on something together. You can also reach me using my email address: trishy0302@gmail.com 

 I hope to see some of you in future courses.

I wish all of you the best!


  1. Trish,
    I loved sharing another class with you and having the opportunity to learn from you. Connecting over and over again as professionals has provided me indescribable support that I has made me forever grateful. I appreciate you providing your contact information and I look forward to working together again in the future!

  2. Trish, I have really enjoyed working with your throughout this course as well as many other courses. You always bring great ideas to each weekly discussion and I have enjoyed learning about your perspective on the different topics discussed. Thank you for being open and honest in each interaction we have had. Best of luck, and I hope to work with you again soon!

  3. Hi Trish,

    It has been a pleasure having you once again in another course. I thank you very much for your support and imparting your knowledge with your discussions and responses. I hope to see you once again through this journey at Walden and in our futures. I wish you success in your next course we are almost at the end of this road. Good luck!

  4. Patricia,

    Thank you for all your knowledge and insight. It shows your willingness to connect with everyone and just how vital communication is amongst one another. We all learn to communicate and trust and that makes us all successful educators!! :) Best wishes in your future endeavors!
