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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Impacts on Early Emotional Development Week 8 EDUC 6358

Impacts on Early Emotional Development:
My Greatest Hope

My greatest hope for that future as an early childhood professional for the children and families with whom I work and will work is for all to see the strength in our diversity. In order to see the strength in our diversity, I will do my best to teach, demonstrate, and emulate compassion, respect, and empathy for all I come in contact with. I want them to see that despite our differences, we also have similarities (Derman-Sparks & Edwards, 2010). I want them to see that despite conflicts and differences we all can seek the common ground of respect. We all want to be treated fairly and respectfully.

Thank you to all of my colleagues. I appreciate all of your input throughout our coursework. I have learned so much from all of you. I also want to thank you all for allowing us to see into your lives and experiences. Sharing our life experiences helped me to not only see and appreciate our diversity but to also appreciate another person’s perspective. It’s through our understanding of others that help us to see the importance of our anti-bias work. I would not have grown into the anti-bias educator I am today without your stories, input, and guidance. I wish all of you the very best in your future endeavors. Julie Olsen Edwards said, “You need a community both of around you at home and online so that you have people to keep you growing as an anti-bias educator” (Laureate Education, 2011). That is what all of you are for me and I cannot thank you enough for the connections we have made with each other.

Derman-Sparks, L., & Olsen Edwards, J. (2010). Anti-bias education for young children and ourselves. Washington, D.C.: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).
Laureate Education, Inc. (2011). Strategies for working with diverse children: Your commitment to anti-bias work. Baltimore, MD: Author


  1. Thanks for sharing Patricia. It was indeed a pleasure working with you over the past eight weeks. We've build a relationship of dedication and passion in anti-bias education.Thank you for being that support system throughout this course as we learned from each other. I now wish you all the best for the future and continued strength in this educational journey.

  2. Trish,

    Before this program I knew the importance of diversity but did not fully understand how to effectively implement it. Just as we have learned of its value, we can teach what we've learned to others so they also see the strength of diversity. We have built such a strong community here at Walden, and I agree that I would not have developed into the teacher I am today without these discussions and experiences we've shared. I'm looking forward to concluding our program and moving on to the final chapter with you! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and helping us grow.


  3. Trish,

    I think you stated a very important component of understanding diversity and that is that we all are different but we do have similarities. If we can get children to see this then we can help them to celebrate differences and become more comfortable when surrounded by individuals that are different from them. This course has helped me to better understand the importance of having open conversations with my students are differences and to not be afraid to discuss the complicated topics. Thank you for sharing your thoughts throughout this course!

  4. Trish,

    I throughly enjoyed the pictures to help depict your idea of diversity. I love Mutts the comics and feel that the definition of a mutt is all of us. We are all different and come from a variety of nationalities, beliefs, economic background, etc. We have worked hard to value the importance of understanding and identifying who we are as an individual and you have taught me that!

    Thank you and good luck!
